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HKAPA Conversations 演藝對談


Developing the 21st century Chinese Opera performing artist

劉國瑛教授 Professor Martin Lau

  • 香港演藝學院戲曲學院院長 Dean of the School of Chinese Opera, HKAPA

Career pathway and outlook of a dance artist 

陳頌瑛教授 Professor Anna CY Chan

  • 香港演藝學院舞蹈學院院長 Dean of the School of Dance, HKAPA

How to identify your talents through the creative process of performing arts? 

陳詠燊導演 Sunny Chan


  • 香港演藝學院 電影電視學院講師(編劇及創意發展)Lecturer (Screenwriting and Creative Development), School of Film and Television, HKAPA

  • 香港電影金像獎提名導演及編劇 Hong Kong Film Awards-nominated director and screenwriter

緣 來自演藝 2022~演藝成就非凡


We have invited six award-winning alumni to share how the Academy broadened their horizons and inspired them to pursue a successful professional career in performing arts.

機智的演藝生活 HKAPA Lifestyle

在《緣 來自演藝2022》專訪後,我們邀請了六位傑出校友分享他們在演藝最有回憶的地方。

After the Old Friends of the Academy 2022 featured interview, we asked 6 notable alumni about their most memorable places in HKAPA.

廖國敏太平紳士(音樂學院)Lio Kuokman, JP (School of Music)

曾翠珊(電影電視學院)Jessey Tsang (School of Film and Television)

盧智燊(戲劇學院)Edmond Lo (School of Drama)

黃寶萱(戲曲學院)Janet Wong (School of Chinese Opera)

葉卓棠(舞台及製作藝術學院)Moon Yip (Theatre and Entertainment Arts)

羅雪芬(舞蹈學院)Georgina Lo (School of Dance)


The unlimited possibilities of performing arts and technical production careers

梁凱珊 Sand Leung


  • 香港演藝學院 舞台及製作藝術學院畢業生 Graduate of School of Theatre and Entertainment Arts, HKAPA

  • Director of Nova Range Limited

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